Last Updated 1st October 2020
1st October
A sequence of close-up and interior photos as the work progressed, courtesy of Neil Sandison, NHSG

27th September
The West and East faces properly lit yesterday evening!

24th September
It's working - and looking great! All 4 faces 'in agreement' (allowing for moving between shots) this morning for the first time in many years, and a reminder of the state of the South face just over 2 weeks ago. A superb job by the talented craftspeople from Smiths of Derby!

23rd September
The East & West faces 'ready to go' on Fri 18th, stencils being applied to the North & South faces yesterday, and the gleaming numerals today. Nearly there now!

16th September
Cleaned glass being replaced in the East and West faces yesterday, and completed today with the West hands temporarily replaced.

14th September
A few photos at roof level on Friday, courtesy of Neil Sandison who also put up the Friends banner, and two more from today, with the metalwork of the East face being painted and the West face looking good.


10th September
The North and South faces have already been cleaned up and recoated, all the glass is out of the West face and the removal of the East face glass is almost complete. Quite a lot of the sandstone is in less than ideal condition! Thanks to Neil Sandison, NHSG, for the interior shots from yesterday.

7th - 8th September
After an unavoidable delay of several months, work on the refurbishment of Dr Gray's iconic clock finally started yesterday, following preparatory internal and external work the previous week. By mid morning the Northscaff team were well on with erecting scaffolding for each of the faces, and had completed the South, West and North by the end of Monday. They finished the East side this morning, and the hands have now been removed from all four faces. Great progress in 2 days! The first picture below (South face) emphasises how badly the work is needed!