1807 - Dr Alexander Gray dies in Calcutta aged 53, bequeathing £20,000 (equivalent to nearly £1.6 million
today) for the establishment of 'an Hospital in the Town of Elgin for the benefit of the Sick and Poor of that
Town and County of Moray’
1811 - Will ‘proved’ in the Court of Chancery, having been contested by his estranged wife and relatives
1814 - Funds released to the Trustees by the Court. James Gillespie Graham engaged as architect on the
recommendation of the Earl of Moray. After several failed bids for sites around Elgin, the current site was
feued for £6 per annum
1815 – Tender of £6150 accepted from Messrs Smith of Inverness in April, for completion by Whit Sunday 1817.
Foundation stone laid on 11th July – ceremony curtailed by news of Wellington’s victory at Waterloo
reaching Elgin. Despite several searches during works over the years the stone has never been identified.
1816 – Clock and bell commissioned for the tower, plus a ‘leaden figure’ for the top of the dome. The east (town)
-17 face was to be ‘of superior quality’ costing 18 guineas, while the other three cost around 10 guineas.
The 1cwt bell – still in situ - cost £66 and the figure – long gone - £60
1818 - First (part time) medical staff appointed in July – James Stephen, Physician(son of Dr Gray’s first mentor),
at £45 p.a. and Alexander Scott, Surgeon at £35. Dr Scott later withdrew before the Hospital opened, and
Dr James Coull replaced him. £100 allocated to them for furnishings, medicines and surgical instruments.
Full time establishment agreed as porter, housekeeper, cook, sick nurse and nurse/washer. Clock and bell
delivered and installed July – August
1819 - Hospital opens without ceremony on New Years Day with 30 beds. Admission by letter of recommendation
from parish minister or two elders (apart from accidents and fever). 204 in- and outpatients seen by 31st
December, 134 discharged cured and 5 died
1822 - Fever ward subdivided into male and female. Trustees asked to consider building a ‘pauper lunatic asylum’
adjacent to Gray’s – opened in 1835 and became Bilbohall Hospital
1826 - Housekeeper dismissed on account of ‘outrageous conduct which all attributed to the effects of
1829 - Dr Coull retires due to ill-health. Dr John Paul appointed - he remained for 30 years and later reportedly
became President of the British Medical Association(unable to confirm this)
1832 - Hospital closed to cholera cases ‘to protect the current inpatients’
1836 - First resident junior doctor (House Surgeon) appointed
1838 – Smallpox outbreak in Moray – vaccination offered for children at Gray’s on 2 days/week. New water closets
1839 - Gas lighting proposed but too costly – extra oil lamps bought
1840 - 'Missionary' appointed to provide spiritual comfort to patients
1843 – Gas installed – cost £187
1844 – Piped water installed. Crockery and cutlery provided for patients – previously tin basin and spoon!
1845 - Lead stripped from dome by ‘hurricane’, current lantern added during repairs at suggestion of builder ‘ to
improve the proportions’, cost £20
1846 - Financial deficit over past two years due to increased patient numbers – number of measures considered
including reducing beds.
1847- Death of Sir Archibald Dunbar, last original Trustee
?1849 – First use of chloroform at Gray’s
1887 – June – special dinner for patients to mark Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee (including donated oranges)
1888 – Visiting physicians and surgeons to be elected on rotation and according to seniority by their peers in the
Town, and to retire at 65. First appointment of Matron rather than Housekeeper
1891 – Circulating hot water and new lavatories installed
1894 – National telephone Company installs ‘phone at half price
1900 – Board Room offered to War Office for Boer War casualties – not needed. Only two lady doctors applied for
vacant House Surgeon post – to be re-advertised with salary increase to £50 p.a.
1902 – first request for ‘Roentgen apparatus’ (X-Ray) by Medical staff – x-rays had only been discovered in 1895
1905 – improvements/new wing being considered following generous donations. Prof Ogston of Aberdeen
Installation of X Ray machine
Installation of lift
Improvement to theatre and bathrooms/WCs
TB ward for early cases on upper floor
Reinstate outdoor dispensary (OPD)
Appoint more (unpaid) specialist Medical staff including an ‘Electrician’ (early Radiologist)
1908 – Non-medical staff increased to 14 including 6 nurses
1909 – Recommended improvements completed – total cost £8293
1911 - Donation of 250 North Pacific Railway shares (value `~£5,000) offered by Lord Mountstephen on condition
of matching contribution from local people
1914 - August – request from board of Admiralty for use of 40 beds in case of a battle in northern North Sea
October - 40 wounded soldiers transferred from First Scottish General Hospital Aberdeen
(now Woodend Hospital) for convalescence. Subsequent problems reported following ‘alcoholic liquors’ being introduced, and one case of insubordination
1916 - Hospital insured against ‘bombardment and aircraft risk”
1917 - Need for motorised ambulance to transport wounded from station to hospital noted
1918 - November – end of military admissions. Letter of thanks received from Commanding Officer, First Scottish
General Hospital
1919 – Agreement to admit complex maternity cases eg eclampsia
1920 - Agreement to admit obstetric emergencies and postnatal complications requiring surgery
1921 – Request to admit ordinary obstetric case declined due to lack of accommodation
1924 - Recognised for nurse training by General Nursing Council. New main entrance created at West
Road/Pluscarden Road junction during improvements by town council – original entrance moved further
west on Pluscarden Road
1926 – UV light therapy equipment gifted
1927 - Cystoscope purchased (for bladder disease/stones)
1931 - Specialist nurse appointed for X-Ray/Electrical department
1932 – Lead rubber protective apron purchased for X-Ray. Hairdresser appointed at £12p.a., to attend every
Sunday morning
1936 - Further extension planned, funded by public appeal. Initial professional Coordinator (on 2.5% commission)
caused outcry, appeal subsequently run by Hospital Secretary and Treasurer
1938 - Change of electricity supply from DC to AC. Request from Medical staff to approach Mr Mitchell, Aberdeen
to provide an Orthopaedic clinic, and to formalise Dr Levack, visiting Radiologist’s attendance to at least
one day per month
1939 – RAF Principal Medical Officer requests arrangements for admission of casualties, terms agreed. New
extension, containing Outpatient, X-Ray and physiotherapy departments, childrens ward and nurses home
opened without formal ceremony. Basic air raid precautions taken including water tank in front of Hospital
1942 – Resident Medical Officer appointed at £2.10s/week, with lodgings in Grant Street
1948 – July. Start of the NHS. Gray’s comes under NE Regional Hospital Board in Aberdeen, with local
Board of Management for Moray Hospitals
1959 – Nursing staff at Gray’s, Bilbohall and Maryhill united under first Group Matron, Miss Macdonald
1961 – Plans to integrate Gray’s and Bilbohall including new theatre, central kitchen, dining room and Occupational
Therapy Dept – estimated cost 180,000
1966 – Work starts. Widespread dry rot and other structural defects found in Gray’s, needing much more extensive
reconstruction and modernisation in stages
1970 – Completed. Gray’s almost completely transformed internally – 33 female surgical and childrens’ beds
on first floor, 33 male surgical beds on second floor, 17 bed medical ward in old nurses’ home on first floor,
improved outpatient and X-Ray depts on ground floor and operating theatre with dedicated lift to wards. Link
corridor to Bilbohall with central kitchen, staff dining room, OT department and offices off, plus first WRVS
shop. Total cost £500,000, officially opened in September by Rear Admiral David Dunbar-Nasmith.
1974 – NHS Reorganisation. Gray’s now in Moray District of Grampian Health Board, pop 76,000, with Executive
group of four - Administrator, Medical, Nursing and Finance Officers- replacing the local Board of
1980 – Planning starts for Geriatric assessment/rehabilitation unit to include Physiotherapy dept and stores
1982 – March. GAU and Physio opened
1988 – Option appraisal for expansion of Gray’s to incorporate specialist Maternity unit following successful local
-89 campaign (MUM)
1990 – Decision to build on existing site behind original building, with demolition of Bilbohall. Plans subsequently
revised to include Orthopaedic service – total cost £22 million
1992 – November. Work starts.
1993 – January. Moray Scanner Appeal launched to purchase a CT scanner for the new Radiology
department, target £750,000 over 3 years. April. Moray Health Services NHS Trust takes over management
of Dr Gray’s and Moray community hospitals plus community health services
1995 – May/June. First phase of redevelopment – new wards, delivery suite, theatres and day case unit - opens.
July. Scanner Appeal reaches target 6 months early. Final total raised over £900,000
1997 – January. New Radiology, A&E and Outpatients Depts open, complete with top of the range CT Scanner.
Surplus Scanner Appeal funds used to provide ultrasound scanners for Maternity and Cardiology, and
equipment for community hospitals. November.
1998 - Final phase completed with refurbishment of original Gray’s building, including a High Dependency Unit.
April. Dr Gray’s becomes part of Grampian University Hospitals Trust in yet another management reorganisation
2004 – April. Dr Gray’s becomes part of the Acute sector of NHS Grampian
2010 – New purpose built day case Oncology suite (Spey Unit) opens between A&E and original building
2011 – Firemaster advises original building no longer suitable for in-patients due to time required to
evacuate. NHS Grampian given until July 2013 to organise alternative provision. Local proposal for new 28
bed medical block deemed ‘unaffordable’ given financial climate, much more limited project using internal
redesign of 1994 ward block and repurposing of Spey Oncology unit approved and funded December, with
net loss of ?25 beds
2013 - July. Last in-patients moved from original building, ending 194 years of almost continuous use. First floor
subsequently refurbished to provide replacement Spey Unit and day case/out patient facility, second floor
re-equipped as training area, offices and videoconference room